Complimentary systems
This is a prototype for a new, international dialog process-- distinct from, but acting in chorus with, state-focused fora. It will emphasize concrete norms and shared agreements that can be enacted directly between actors, as peers, focused on subsidiarity, agility, and plurality.
Governance beyond borders
Fora such as this offer a valuable approach to new societal governance questions not contained within traditional territorial borders, or those characterized by rapid capability change, irreversibility, broad societal implications, deep ethical questions, and lagging institutional governance. Similar approaches have been pioneered in international science and technology communities by organizations such as Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, and the Internet Engineering Task Force, and now also builds on decades of academic research about collective choice and resource management theory.
The Outer Space Treaty, now 50 years old, establishes profound principles designating space as the “province of all mankind” and prohibiting national appropriation--but debate about the practical meaning persists. As humanity’s focus on the Moon intensifies, there are a lack of concrete frameworks for coordination and policy.
Some feel that policy making for the Lunar environment is not urgent, while others suggest the status quo will suffice. This misses heavy influences in early lunar activity such as resource utilization rights, specific driving factors distinct to the Moon’s environmental and surface conditions, the role of non-state actors; and the prevalence of private investment.
Proactive coordination will contribute to stable operating environments, enhanced understanding of requirements, new models of cooperation, and increased political and financial commitments. Shared protocols can enhance engineering through standards and licensing schemes; mature thinking about infrastructure development; and mitigate risks of externalities.